I was so pleased to see that Philip Glenister has won Royal Variety Club Award's TV Performance of the Year for Life on Mars. Its about time he received some recognition for that brilliantly portrayed role. Good for him. Enjoyed watching him in Cranford last night too. Great stuff. Perfect Sunday night viewing especially when one is tucked up with grumbling Miniature Schnauzer who can't get comfortable, a mug of hot tea, bed socks and tracksuit top over the old pyjamas.
I tell you this heating can't come on quick enough. I have to check emails, blog etc on the house computer as the shed isn't connected to the internet. I daren't have it connected either as I would never get any writing done and so the shed has to be strictly for that. My typing is getting slower and slower as I sit here as my fingers descend into what I feel sure must be frostbite. Okay, I know I'm being a tad of a drama queen but hey I simply don't 'do' cold. Like I don't 'do' Mondays, or early mornings.
Right, now I have to dash as Nigella is on television. I adore her, probably as she makes me feel better about my rather fuller figure and I do like someone who is not scared to eat.
I feel for you. Being cold is just the pits. Hurry up heating man and get Grumpy and his mum warm again:-)
Lane - the boiler has now been fitted by the plumber and apparently we now have to wait for the boilerman to come and check it and fire it up tomorrow afternoon - HURRAH - he can't come soon enough.
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