Being a determined little devil, I have various "How To" books to help me in my quest to learn this craft (writing, not blogging). My most recent purchase is the helpful, inspiring and fun book written by the talented Jane Wenham-Jones. As soon as I received "Wannabe A Writer?" I raced to the shed, stuffed a few midget gems in my mouth, locked the door and read and read and didn't come out until I'd finished. I simply couldn't put it down. I intend to put my newly acquired knowledge to work and keep going until one of two things happen, I either manage to get one of my novels published or I drop dead from exhaustion (well, maybe not that but old age hopefully).
I have to go now and put together some intelligent questions to ask a very generous lady who has kindly agreed to let me interview her as research for one of my WIPs. I'm a tad nervous as I don't want to waste the opportunity and forget to ask something that I may later need to know. We've never met and I hope I don't come across as some barmy bird. It must be so much easier doing this sort of thing when you've at least been published.
Oh and at last the boilerman has been. He did find a slight leak in the new boiler and I'm sure you can imagine my reaction to this news when dh dared to phone me at work and let me know the latest on our ongoing saga. He, the boilerman, has now sorted the problem and fired it all up and heavenly bliss, we now have a warm (nearly) house. Hurrah and double hurrah.
Hi Debs
Love your blog.
I too was very inspired by Jane's book. I need to find someone to interview and give me first hand knowledge of TB in the 1920s. I want to know what it felt like to be diagnosed - I've been to the library and read up on it, but it's cold and impersonal and I'd really like to speak to someone who has had TB. I don't know anyone. I hope your interview goes well. Let me know how it goes.
Annieye - Thanks. I was lucky because the heroine in my wip has her own small shop and designs shoes and it dawned on me one day that one of the chaps I used to work with has a wife who designs and sells her stuff. So I asked him and he asked her and now all I have to do is get on with it. I'm nervous and will be glad when I've spoken to her. I shall let you know how it goes.
Hurrah for warmth!!
just seen your message on the Finishers. Course it's not too late to join. Send me your email address (lanemathiasatgmaildotcom) and I'll get blogger to join you. Hurrah - another one into the fray:-)
Hi Debs,
Thanks for visiting my blog, and for your comments. It's good to meet other wannabes like myself.
I can also recommend Stephen King's On Writing as a good how-to book.
Good luck with you writing endeavours.
Lane - will do, thanks very much.
Captain Black - Thanks for visiting and your comment. I have ordered Stephen King's On Writing only yesterday. Can't wait to get it.
Hi Debs - I love books about writing! Have to be careful not to spend too much time reading them and not actually doing any writing though! Hope the interview goes well.
Hello 'barmy bird'.
Congrats on the heat. Fingerless gloves don't always do the job do they?
Can I recommend a great writing course which has two big pluses for me.
1. And most important. It is created by writers I admire and love their work.
2. It is free, gratis, and easy to understand.
Jennifer Crusie. Bob Meyer.
You will find it here. And even if you are a pantser and not a plotter, it is all great stuff. There is a lot here- but brilliant.
Have fun, Ray-Anne
helenmh - I agree, I could spend many happy hours reading how to when I should be getting on with it. The interview will now be next week, thanks.
ray-anne - Thanks for the brilliant tip, I shall certainly make use of it. Any help I can get with my writing is appreciated.
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