I have to collect him in a short while from the airport, race back home to open gifts/cards and then take him to his dad's house where he and S are staying the night. I can't believe my baby boy is 17 already. When did I blink and miss him growing up. He's taller than me and knows so much, but he's lovely and funny.
Finally, I'm moving along with the editing and only have another 80-odd pages to go, which is a relief because I'm completely loving writing S&S, thanks to Helen and her brilliant 100 words a day.
That wouldn't be Royal Holloway, university of London would it? I went there, and there were depressingly few men! Hope he has a good birthday and you get the editing done soon.
Happy Birthday to J! I'm still getting over my youngest starting full-time school in September. The teenage thing is just too scary to contemplate yet!!
Great that the edits are going well.
Have a glass of wine or ten and be glad you are not in labour like you were 17 years ago!
Kat :-)
A very Happy Birthday to J!
Happy Birthday J! Awh, you're so proud of him, I bet you're a brilliant mum. Hugs.
Happy Birthday to him!! it was Zs yeaterday!! Hope he has a great day. x Im still editing too and hating it!!
Happy birthday to J! Sounds like he's got his priorities right! Can't we just press the pause button and make them stop growing up for a bit!
Happy birthday to J - he sounds as if he'll go far! Well done on the editing, you're almost there.
Dear Debs
Happy birthday to J. It is comical about the male/female ratio thing as my son (aged 6) would be aghast at that many girls..apparently according to himself he is allergic to girls!!! Can you recall your baby boy saying such things?
Glad you are enjoying writing and the 100 words a day going well for you. Hollie is 100% better now, thank you for your kind concern
Good see J has his priorities well in order. Well done with the editing! That sounds like fabulous progress.
I've just spent three days back in university land - the cash machine dispensed five pound notes! Oh to be back at that stage of my life again, witht everything stretching out so promisingly....
Watch out world, it seems I'm in philosophical mood today!
Ah he might mean Roehampton where I went or possibly Kingston where my sister went. You have to admire his forwrad thinking :)! Hope it was a lovely day and also that the editing managed to get a look in - it seems you're whizzing through it! :)
denise - yes apparently it was Royal Holloway, London. He was so tired that he barely remembered it was his birthday. Not much editing done in the end yesterday though.
kat - thanks, yes, what a relief that I'm not going to have to go through the joys of labour again, shiver.
helenmh - thanks.
yvonne - aw, thank you, that's so kind.
motherx - I hope Z had a lovely day too. Did well on tues with he editing but nothing much Wed as so much running around.
pacha - I wish there was a pause button to press, to help me catch up with the children growing so fast. That's a lovely idea.
chrish - I think he will too. Hopefully will finish and send the book out to RNA NWS this weekend.
mickmouse - glad to hear Hollie is better now. LOL re your little boy being allergic to girls, I remember when J was exactly the same, bless.
hilary - he probably has got things the right way round, at least he doesnt take it all too seriously. Editing coming along slowly but surely.
tam - lol, I just wish a £5 note went as far as it used to. I keep telling the children that they can do whatever they want. What a lovely thought.
kerry - the editing is coming along well. Got to now pack for J's trip to Cambodia/Thailand.
Aw, belated birthday greetings to J. It's amazing isn't it, how they grow like that? I'm still shaking my head at it all. It's seems like only yesterday I was holding his hand to cross the road and now he's looking out for me as we cross the road!!
Send J my best wishes.
C x
Ps. Loved the story about which University he wants to go to :-)
maddie moon - I know, I can't believe how many years have passed and so quickly too.
carol & chris - thanks.
Typical 17 year old!
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