What were you doing 10 years ago?
Still living in the same house as my ex-husband and going through a divorce…(so glad that's over with).
Five things on your to-do list for today:
Buy J birthday cake
Do more editing (I promise, after this).
Write my Hundred Words A Day (Ditto)
Cook tuna & pasta for S and self
Fold yet more washing
What are three of your bad habits?
Eating too much chocolate
Talking too much
What would you do if you were a billionaire?
Write and adopt lots of animals that no one wants.
What are some snacks you enjoy?
Midget Gems
What were the last five books you read?
The Secret Life of Beas - Sue Monk Kidd
Nothing is Forever - June Tate
Burning Bright Tracy Chevalier
An Offer You Can't Refuse - Jill Mansell
The Outcast - Sadie Jones
What are five jobs you have had?
Client Officer, Trust Company
Commercial/Private Cleaning Company
Landscape Gardening Company
The most useless waitress in the universe
Five places that you have lived?
Jersey (several places but it's so small that they were all nearby)
South Africa (several places, not so close to each other)
How dull, I don't have any more to add
I tag anyone who fancies a go at doing this and I'm going straight to the shed to get on with my editing.
Great post, I didn't know you lived in South Africa - that must have been amazing! Hope your editing went well.
yvonne - my mother has lived there for years and one sister was brought up there. The other married a South African and two of her children were born there too. It's so beautiful but sadly gets more volatile every year.
Did you enjoy the Secret Life of Bees? I read it recently. By the way - I note you describe yourself as the worst waitress in the universe. Sorry, hon, you got yourself some serious competition.
funny how all of these memes say chocolate...!!
Your jobs sound very important(except perhaps 'useless waitress':-)
I definitely adopt animals too. Loads of them!:-)
Hope you've got a 'shed' load of editing done:-)
I was a fairly useless waitress too ... we weren't allowed tea towels for hygeine reasons so we used to dry things up on our aprons - not good!
'Wanted: The most useless waitress in the universe.' I think even I could go for that job. I have plenty of experience. I could even get references.
leigh russell - I'm reading it now and am enjoying it very much.
I truly was dreadful and on my first day spilt all the food from one plate on my sister's boss' lap. So embarrassing.
helen - I know, is it because we all write or simply because we're female. I think it's probably the latter.
lane - two of the businesses were mine, but where I am now I'm not at all important just one of many.
Animals can be so much nicer than people a lot of the time.
I did about 30 pages of editing so it wasn't too bad.
helenmh - lol. I just spilled things all the time.
hilary - lol. I think the place where I worked were just thrilled to see the back of me.
Love this meme! I did it awhile ago.
I get all wistful when I think about your island. The book I'm reading now is (mostly) set on Guernsey, and those islands sound utterly lovely. Plus, one of my favourite authors founded a zoo on Jersey.
Chocolate featured in my version of this meme too...
wordtryst - it is a fun meme.
My m-i-l is from Guernsey and R is taking her there for the day on Saturday to see relatives. Gerald Durrell was a wonderful man. My ex-husband's family used to live next door to the zoo (now just called Durrell) and it could be very noisy when they fed the marmosets especially.
Your job list is most impressive! Another meme where I can relate to all the bad habits...I'm getting worried now!
I loved reading this Meme....it's quite amazing what you find out about people when they do these :-)
I would love to visit South Africa - it sounds like such an amazing place!!
C x
karen - I love reading these memes and seeing people's answers.
carol & chris - South Africa is the most beautiful place, it's just a shame there's so much trouble there.
Hiya Debs, glad I'm not the only one who has lived in the same place for most of their lives. Although you do have South Africa on my list. I have North Staffordshire, does that count! xx
l-plate author - of course North Staffordshire counts. I've never been there but I bet it's beautiful. I would love to see more of the UK than I have done up until now.
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