This summer I attended an informative lecture by Alison Baverstock who told us about her writing space and discussed some of the objects that she surrounds herself with. For example a picture that may inspire you, a lovely cup to drink out of, that sort of thing.
I have a favoured mug with red chilli peppers (not the band, the veg). It's not at all pretty or delicate but I love it. In the photo, showing part of the shelf by the window in the shed, you can see a basket holding shells collected from the beaches by various children, a fossil (apart from the one sitting in the chair writing), the obligatory Midget Gems, lavender picked from the garden in a coloured glass wasp catcher (there's also a red and blue one further along) and a flag (it's called something else (is it an ensign?) but dh isn't here to remind me what it is.
Above the shelf hang coloured chinese lanterns and below is another shelf holding reference books, novels etc. On the opposite wall I have photos of family members/the dog etc and paintings by the children, a few crystals and various other bits and pieces that inspire me. It all helps create a very 'me' atmosphere in there.
I had a moment of horror earlier when I realized that next Friday (7th) is my company's Christmas Party. This doesn't leave me with the necessary time to lose the stone and a half that I had intended! After a brief panic and rather a lot of angst I have decided to go the Gok Wan way (tonight Ch4 8pm) be happy with the curves that I possess and enjoy myself anyway.
Good for you! Am sure you will have a great time!
casdok - Thanks. I shall certainly try to.
i love your bits and pieces and I can almost smell the wood of your shed:-)
I have decided I want Gok to be my best friend and take me shopping. He's adorable and knows exactly what do with 'bangers':-)
You paint a lovely picture of the inside of your shed. I wish I had some private writing space.
Only a stone and a half? I am trying to lose five stone by 30th Jan. Four weeks at home followed by Christmas is NOT going to help!
Lane - thanks, I do love the peace and quiet of the shed. Its like a little parallel universe where nothing else exists - except Grumpy, of course.
Annieye - The shed was until the beginning of the year where the children shut themselves in (mainly in the winter) and played cards etc. So I've redirected them to the kitchen, which is bigger and more comfortable for them and I took over the shed.
Good luck with the diet. It was only 1 1/2 stones as I thought that I could manage that amount (3 mths ago!). Naturally, I've lost not an ounce...
Christina. I love Gok Wan. He is wonderful. I'd love to lose some weight and a couple of years ago I found a great method that enables you to have fun and eat more than ever: running. I was obsessed and loved doing it but at 42, my body rebelled and I now have permament damage to my tendon and have to limit the exercise I do so I'm heavier than ever! You just can't win, can you?.
Phillipa - your comment made me laugh. Poor you. Every time I decide to lose some weight either by taking up exercise or a healthy diet my body rebels and so I give up. Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
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