Yesterday morning, I braced myself to take Grumpy to be clipped and as soon as we turned into the driveway he began the usual shaking and crying. I parked my car and put on his lead then turned to speak to the lady who has the grim task of grooming this pathetic furry chap only for her to tell me that the appointment was for last Friday! Needless to say G had snuck in between the two seats and was hiding in the back of the car. She is a perfectly nice lady who looks after rescued greyhounds, although that doesn't make G like her any better.
Later, having cooked some beetroots from the greenhouse (heavenly), R and I went for an evening as guests of Citigroup Quilter to the races. It was the usual drama of me not being able to find anything to wear and not wanting to go and then J phoning from the airport saying that he'd missed his bus home and had taken one there instead and could someone please pick him up. Well naturally I couldn't have gone as I was busily throwing discarded outfits around my bedroom and having a temper tantrum. So once again, R came to the rescue and collected J so that I had no excuse not to go to the event.
Having affixed our badges we entered the elaborate marquee with it's own tote and excellent bar. Each table had a beautiful decoration and a wonderful selection of food was waiting to be eaten. French doors opened onto our own area right next to the racecourse. As it was a warm sunny evening the view of the other islands was superb and despite the occasional loss, I ended up coming home (via specially organised coaches) £10 better off. Yes, I know it's not a fortune but I'm not that brave a gambler.
Hope you all have a relaxing weekend. I'm off to continue colouring in my manuscript with a red pen - yes, it's getting pretty colourful.
It's never bad to come out ahead!! Good on ya!
Ooh, I hate that whole tantrum number when NOTHING is suitable or right, or nice or just isn't. Did you have fun though?
Thank you very much for the award! The race event sounds great, I'd love to go to one but the chance still eludes me. Hope you are having a great weekend.
Grumpy had a lucky escape!
The race evening sounds like a lot of fun and £10.00 up is pretty good going.
Well done on the progress you've made on RP, sounds as though you're nearly there.
elizabeth - it certainly added to the great evening.
jj - I did have fun, thanks. Poor R is so used to me doing this, I'm sure he thinks it's part of me getting ready to go out.
yvonne - I am, thanks. Hope you are too.
maddie moon - I'm getting there slowly.
Ha, I thought it was just me who did the whole "I don't want to go - why are you making me go?" and then proceeds to have a perfectly pleasant evening :-)
You go with the colouring in but don't forget you have to make all the changes indicated so don't get too carroed away...
tam - I think R takes little notice of my faffing about now, thankfully.
I'm slowly getting there. Not as quickly as I would have hoped though with constant interruptions.
Thanks for the award, that's lovely x
Debs, thanks for award but how do I pick it up? (sorry rather dim on computers!)
Hope editing is going well. I will finish my first draft next week, getting scared now and am slowing down as dont want to finish it. (probably something to do with edits!) x
I hate trying to decide what to wear when we have to go out - I always feel as if everything I put on makes me look like a sack of spuds and then I feel all self conscious (Well, until I've had a couple of glasses of wine and then I decide that I don't care!!)
I'm glad you had a lovely time and yay to winning!!!
Good luck with the colouring in :-)
C x
helenmh - pleasure.
motherx - I copy the award and then paste it into My Pictures on my computer, then go to Customize on your blog and add it as (I think, I'm not that good either) Add Page Element, Add Picture and then, add picture from computer (Browse) and select on the picture.
Ask again if you have problems.
carol & chris - yes, I'm usually ok after a glass or two, thankfully.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets appointments wrong...even when I write them on the calendar!
Glad you had such a lovely weekend :o)
karen - I felt such a twit, especially as the dog desperately needs to be clipped and has an appointment every six weeks so it shouldnt have been hard to remember!
Hi Debs
Sounds like you've had a busy few days! I usually find that on the rare occasion that me and hubby get a night out, I go to my wardrobe and NOTHING fits. OR it fits but I am worried that the cheap supermarket stitching won't survive the night. I then curse that extra chocolate hob nob, my lack of will power and the fact that I'm not rich enough to have an outfit in every dress size! Inevitably we're late and I'm trying to cover bulges with a good cardie!
Good luck with the editing. I have finished my first draft and am now getting nervous about editing. Tomorrow I will make a start with coloured felt pens & a few cups of coffee!
Kat :-)
I have similarly cowardly rabbits, who stamp their feet and shake just at being put in their travel box. They either end up at the vet (who they seem to like quite oddly) or with the lady that looks after them when we're away (who they love) but they still make a huge fuss!
Hope the red pen is being kindly, if a little slower than you'd like. I'm not sure I'm brave enough for a red pen, maybe a purple one...
katw - you've described exactly how I feel each time I go out too. Isn't it dreadful. I never had this problem when I was slimmer (many moons ago) and get so cross with myself, but then I do love good food (I'm including chocolate in with the good food of course).
Best of luck with the editing, mine is coming along very slowly indeed.
denise - your rabbits sound adorable, we used to have two when the children were younger and they lved them.
I'm now thinking that maybe a pink pen wouldn't have looked quite so ghastly on the pages.
Debs, sounds like a great weekend, thank you for my award, so kind TFX
tom foolery - it was exhausting but fun. My pleasure re the award.
Hi Debs - back in the land of the living-blogger now!
Your evening sounds like great fun. Funny how sometimes you can really not want to go somewhere, and then, when you make the effort and go, you turn out having a great time.
annieye - hello again. It was good fun and so typical of me. I'm so glad that I went/was pretty much forced to go in the end.
didn't realise you were at the red pen stage. We'd love to send you an invite to Cutting It Fine if you could send me your email to: macfinn@hotmail.co.uk. If you are blogged out then please ignore!
fiona - I am. I thought I would enjoy it but I'm finding it rather a struggle.
I would love to join Cutting It Fine and will send you an email, thanks very much.
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