I excitedly asked the receptionist what it was and typed in the name I thought she said (hence the picture). I also asked if I would be able to carry my prize or would I need help and I'm sure I detected a snigger when she replied, "Don't worry I think you'll be okay. A 15" tv doesn't weigh that much." Cheek. R was a little disappointed as I think he was hoping for a 52" one. R isn't so full of himself now that he's seen my little gem. It may be fairly small but sits beautifully on my dressing table and gives me far more room than before for more 'bits and pieces'.
Work was okay. Let's face it, it could have been far worse. I have meetings every day this week and probably will need to go to London in July sometime for the day to meet a lovely client who will be visiting from distant shores. I survived, so until tomorrow...
Talking of tv's (oh, did you think I'd moved on?) well, I was sitting in the lounge watching Sky and as I flicked through the movie channels, I stumbled on something that looked interesting and pressed in the PIN number. Mere seconds later, a heard of baby elephants (well, S) came rampaging down the stairs. "Hah," she shouted, happier than I've seen her for weeks. "So you DO know the PIN number after all." Bugger! I'd forgotten that I had told her and J that only R knew it (this is because I'm a pushover and he isn't when it comes to keeping secrets). "Tell me what it is, pleeeaaaaseee," she said looking as adorable as possible. However, R will be proud when I tell him that I've stood my ground and refused point blank to tell her. (I know Andrea is reading this and thinking, I wonder how many minutes this will last).
An unexpected prize! Well done you!
lol at the 'baby elephant'! So familiar. Funny how they hear some things and are deaf when it suits them:-)
Congrats on winning the TV. Was it a flat screen? In which case I'm very jealous!
The PIN for my TV is easily guessable - it's the generic one that came with cable. Did you change yours to something more difficult to guess?
YAY a tv! That's an excellent omen I reckon...
Well done on your win. I never win anything!
Well done with the winning thing. The only thing I have ever won was a meat tray at my daughters' netball club. Both of my daughters were vegetarians at the time. I was very excited about winning nevertheless.
Ooh, well done! I can't remember the last time I won anything. A paltry £10 on the lottery, I think. (See how greedy I've become. £10 is NOTHING, I say.)
At least you've got Sky. I'm still in everyone's bad books for refusing to even consider it. Although I did when Lost scarpered over there...
lane - thanks, it was rather exciting to win something.
She is so sweet but I know exactly what you mean about the selective hearing!
calistro - it was a flat screen LCD and R was thrilled as it has Teletext!!!
The PIN is easy to remember but I've told S that if she tries it and gets it wrong then the screen will freeze.
yvonne - How lovely if it was a good omen. I'm holding thumbs (as my mother would say).
helenmh - I bet it wont be long until you do with that lovely writing of yours.
hilary - I love that they were 'vegetarians at the time'. Bless. Winning is exciting, I agree.
karen - isn't it funny how £10 does seem like nothing much now. Probably because it buys so very little.
I have Sky because it keeps them quiet. Great mother eh?
Wow, that's fab! There's something really ace about winning a prize, especially if it's actually something good :0)
Let's hope it's the start of a winning streak, eh?
spiralskies - it was rather exciting. Here's hoping that it is the start of that much needed winning streak.
Unexpected winnings are always fun, even though the most I've won was a hamper of cleaning supplies from the supermarket. My sis just won an iPod Touch, though. Lovely!
Had to pop in for a look at the shed. Lovely! Well done on your prize. I love all kinds of competitions but have never won a telly!
wordtryst - I love winning things too. I say this as if it happens often but in reality I can only remember winning a box of chocolates when I was 12 at school.
the writing gardener - I love competitions too but usually forget to enter them. The tv is lovely.
what a prize! wow! congratulations.
motherx - it was very exciting to win something at all, let alone something so useful and lovely.
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