I arrived late at my parking space, which just happens to be near to a shop where practically every working man stops for his morning bacon roll/coffee/paper and this morning the lorry that had been there prior to my arrival had dropped a bag of cement off the back and left it there in all its split glory. Someone had called 'the slowest man in the entire sodding universe' who parked his cleaning vehicle (???) part way across my space and leant against his broom and a spade and stared at the mess.
When I dared to ask how long he may be (to clear up what I could have shifted in mere moments and would have done if I wasn't wearing black and having to attend a meeting at 10.30) he scratched his head and said, "Listen, I don't need this in the morning (as if I did?). I've no idea how long it will take. I need to find boxes." With that he disappeared around the corner of the building for about five minutes. I phoned R (in mid hissy fit) who told me that someone was on his way to help. I said, "If its the man in the blue van, he's just gone into the shop."
Eventually, man from shop noticed hysterical, mad woman with steam emanating from both ears and said. "Want some help?" to the slowest man in the universe and thanks to him I only had to wait 30 minutes before being able to park my damn car. I work on flexi-time, so what with the school run and cement incident I now have to make up about an hour at work.
Face like thunder, I raced into the office and one coffee later and an email from a colleague telling us that it was her birthday and that cakes were awaiting attention in the kitchen, I managed to cheer up. The rest of the day passed in a frenzied blurr but I arrived home to salmon fillets and new potatoes from the garden thanks to R.
I am now calm. Long may it last. Tonight I'm watching Sir Alan Sugar firing people.
So, how was your day?
It was rubbish. It started with red spotty plate getting chipped and a half eaten mouse and things went downhill from there.
At least I didn't get delayed by a jobsworth with a broom though!
I shall be watching SrAlan too:-)
lane - oh no, not the red spotty plate that would really upset me. The half eaten mouse, eugh, that's definately worse than the jobsworth. Poor you. Nevermind, Sir A firing people and shouting should be fun.
Day ended on a down note it took me 11 minutes to drive home.
Love the interview episode that's coming up tonight on The Apprentice - always makes me laugh
Has S got the pin number out of you yet I know what my money's on!
Sorry to hear about your man with the broom. I wonder why they are classified as workman when the don't actually do any work?
Day good, I too had cake, homemade (not made by me, that would be a bad day!)date and walnut YUM YUM!
Enjoy Sir Alan. TFX
Lol, welcome back to your working week! My day was frustrating, Chopper's Gastro appointment has been rescheduled AGAIN! He was referred urgently several weeks ago now... I am going into the complaints office tomorrow to register an official complaint and then I am going to find out which commissioner is responsible for monitoring compliance with consultant appointment waiting times for new referrals in the local PCT. Grrrrrrrrruuuummmp!
Ooh, I share your pain. I'm not the world's most patient person and I'm just about recovering from my run in with BT.
andrea - not ELEVEN whole minutes. Poor you!
I loved the Apprentice last night and can't wait for next week. My money is on Alex.
Still haven't given S the PIN number - I know! How good am I being???
tom foolery - I think the man just likes to drive along pavements in his blue vehicle.
Your cake sounds delicious, I could do with some right now.
dj kirkby - Poor Chopper, that's ridiculous. If that's what they do with urgent cases, how long do you have to wait if it isnt urgent. Dreadful, best of luck with the complaint.
andrea - not ELEVEN whole minutes. Poor you!
I loved the Apprentice last night and can't wait for next week. My money is on Alex.
Still haven't given S the PIN number - I know! How good am I being???
tom foolery - I think the man just likes to drive along pavements in his blue vehicle.
Your cake sounds delicious, I could do with some right now.
dj kirkby - Poor Chopper, that's ridiculous. If that's what they do with urgent cases, how long do you have to wait if it isnt urgent. Dreadful, best of luck with the complaint.
chrish - our comments must have crossed. I'm also not the most patient person in the world, it was so frustrating.
Im loving the Apprentice at the moment! It has me in fits! my money is on Claire. I loved Raff. He was gorgeous!
motherx - I only started watching a few weeks ago so pretty much missed out on Rafe, I think Lee with get it as I have a feeling he's more Sir Alan's cup of tea.
Alan Sugar is hoooooot.
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