Friday 21 March 2008

Hope you have a Good Friday

Yesterday it was the Equinox - the point of the year when the days and nights are of equal length and today there is a Full Moon - the reason we have such an early Easter and when the Sun moves into Aries (I'm an Aries) and the start of the astrological New Year. According to Jonathan Cainer (I love his horoscopes) this is a clear sign that, if you truly desire a big change in the way you lead your life, you have every chance in the world of managing to make it happen. So here's hoping.

I shall be glad when it's Sunday and the Easter eggs can be given out and my sideboard (where they are sitting) can be cleared once more. We were all given an egg at work yesterday by our generous CEO and so I have a couple to look forward to. To be honest the very last thing this little dumpling of a person needs right now is more chocolate but I think I shall keep the 'changing my life' routine until after Sunday when I've managed to polish them off.

Talking of food, s-s No 1 is over from uni at the moment and we've just come back from a lovely lunch at Pizza Express (I'm so full, I can hardly breathe and doubt I shall ever be slim again). Tonight is the last episode of Moving Wallpaper. I love this programme and the ghastly character that is Jonathan Pope, brilliant and will miss it. Now if I'm to fit a few hours into the shed, I had better stop doing this and go and get a move on.


Yvonne said...

Have a fantastic weekend Deb and enjoy the chocolate!

Lane Mathias said...

Enjoy your eggs Debs and have a lovely Easter. Diets can always begin on Monday .... or Tuesday:-)

HelenMWalters said...

I will also be glued to Moving Wallpaper and Echo Beach - let's hope they come back!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

yvonne - thank you, I certainly shall.

lane - I shall, happy Easter to you too.

helenmh - I laughed so much at the end when Martine McC raced off into the distance and we STILL dont know if there will be a second series.

Karen said...

Stop talking about food, for heaven's sake :o)

I love Moving Wallpaper, but am not so keen on Echo Beach - I don't think it works somehow.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

karen - I'm sorry, I am far too focused on food. I agree about Echo Beach, I think the best part is noticing the connections from WP. The children and I love doing that and then laughing at the scenes in EB.