S and I have spent some of today re-potting - yes, again. This place is starting to resemble a scene from 'The Day of the Triffids' and I really have to give some of these plants away soon if we're not going to be completely taken over by greenery.
I'm going to settle down and watch the last episode of Wild at Heart tonight, although when Sarah (Amanda Holden) chased after the cheetah into the smoke at the end of last weeks episode, S said, "Well that was pretty dumb, everyone knows that a human can't catch a cheetah." I did explain that it was probably a bit of artistic license and that she had to die somehow (I'm presuming that she does die, of course). Then I think I shall watch Lewis and if my eyes keep working long enough I want to start reading Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella as I adore her books.
Congratulations on editing so many pages! That's brilliant.
You edited 76 pages in TWO DAYS?!! My god. Tell me your secret. Quick! ;o)
Not surprised you're tired. Sounds like you've achieved loads.
You sound like you have worked really hard! Im a bit out of writing practise at the moment. I love Bret Easton Ellis books but when I was sick in bed Tony as a joke (I hope.) bought me that Crystal book by Jordan!!! dont tell anyone but I read half of it...then got kind of bored!
Lewis? Is that Lewis without Morse, Lewis?
You're going great guns with the editing. Almost there!
Nothing wrong with being overtaken with greenery! I've still got things to plant out by we're being battered with storms today so better to keep them safe a while longer I think:-)
I've just read 'Remember Me?' and love, love, loved it :o)
yvonne - thanks, it is a relief to be nearing the end.
cal - it was actually three days as Ive managed to have friday off and worked undisturbed all day. Sheer heaven.
helenmh - it is a relief, I have to admit.
motherx - I'm amazed you have any time to write at all. It's so hard buying books for others, I just wish I could be as successful as Jordan is with her books. Wouldn't that be lovely.
jj - yes, that Lewis - although I didn't end up watching it in the end...children, homework, catching up on taped programmes.
lane - thank heavens, although it's not with the ms that I need to redraft for Novel Racers... I shall have to get a move on with that one and can't wait to get going.
karen - her books are always such fun and so uplifting, how wonderful to be able to write like that. Mind you, I loved your first chapter.
I enjoyed the first Sophie K I read but couldnt get on with the shopaholic ones - mind you, the fact that I hate shopping might have something to do with it!
flowerpot - hate shopping??? To be honest the only shopping I enjoy is book, shoe or handbag shopping.
I admire your productivity. I could use some of that editing energy right now..
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