All was not lost however, as on the way back I passed the Opera House where I had been told to collect my cerificate from the Jersey Eisteddfod and as luck would have it (usually not at all lucky parking wise) there was a free space almost outside the beautiful building. I raced in and collected it. Isn't it lovely and something else to add to the shed.
Apart from that, my day was exceedingly frustrating. I spent most of the day bookkeeping. It has never been my strong point - I see numbers back to front, not mirror image but 54 instead of 45, if you get my drift - so now I'm a bit switched off. well, even more so than usual.
Cool certificate! I see numbers back to front too, very strange. And sometimes I'll read 70 as 700 or vice versa. My fella is constantly confused...
yvonne - thanks, it will cheer up a bit of the shed wall.
Isn't it strange how the mind sees numbers wrongly. I have a dreadful time dialling numbers on the phone - good thing too, otherwise I would probably be use it far more than I do already.
Congrats on your award, Debs! Have you given yourself a little treat to celebrate?
How lovely! I can't do numbers either - it really is a problem!
I think it's a writerly thing. I'm doing my husband's books at the moment. It's not as if I can't do it - I can. I just absolutely loathe figures! I have to concentrate really hard or else I transpose digits too. My mind wanders really easily when I'm doing this type of work and it's a real effort not to keep thinking of something else.
k.imaginelli - Thanks, I did buy a bottle of bubbles - any excuse - they were lovely.
helenmh - it is a pain especially as I have to deal with numbers a lot in my job!
annieye - 'transpose' that's the word I was looking for. I try and enjoy working with figures and sometimes even manage to persuade myself that I am, but not often.
Very nice!! Congrats!
PST - I'm more or less in a semi-switched off state all of the time. ;-)
Lovely certificate!
Not book-keeping...groan. I did that for a living for too many years - and I don't even like figures.
Well done on the certificate. TFX
What is the Jersey Eisteddfod? Worthy of a handsome certificate of appreciation for you--deserved I'm sure.
I agree about the physic pain( well that probably is a bit of an overstatement)that we cause ourselves from not doing the simple little things like an hour's work on taxes, paying the bills, cleaning up the yard. . .Much more tempting to check out favorite blogs.
A child in the 6th form? Who wears suits!!
Teenage bride...
Hope you are fully switched on for a fun weekend. Since this is a holiday, does that mean you have TWO Friday nights this week?
All the best.
Great certificate, Debs.
How is Grumpy?
Congratulations. What a lovely certificate!
I have to concentrate very hard with numbers too. Big mistakes can be made:-(
Congrats on the award :-)
elizabeth - sometimes I think it's the best way to be.
karen - thanks. An accountant that I work with said (when I asked her how she worked with figures every day) that she sees it as trying to work out puzzles all the time and finds it fun.
tom foolery - thanks, it's rather nice and I've never had one before.
faye - thanks. The Jersey Eisteddfod is a festival where adults/children/groups compete in different classes ie, dance, literature, art, drama etc and is held annually. You can find it at:
ray-anne - I wish! I am having two friday nights and thrilled not to have to go to work for 4 whole days. Relief.
fiona - thanks. Grumpy is, well, his usually grumpy self. Eating, growling and sleeping most of the time.
liz fenwick - thank you. Hope you had a lovely trip with sil.
lane - thanks. Sometimes it doesnt matter how hard I concentrate, I still make horrible mistakes with figures.
Im useless at numbers! such a thicko. Funny thing is Z is brilliant at maths! have a happy easter debs!
motherx - My son is also great with figures, I've no idea where he gets it from. Happy Easter to you and yours too.
great certificate and I'm the same with numbers - as in seeing them back to front. How strange...
flowerpot - thanks. I think it's because we are 'word' people rather than 'number' people.
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