Wednesday 19 March 2008

Pretty Shiny Things

As J is in sixth form he wears a suit to school, except Wednesdays as that's the day they do sport. Today he left one of his suits in the car ready for me to drop off at his father's after work to save J from having to lug a great carrier bag around school. However being the disorganised chap that he is, he had forgotten that today he was attending a speech or something at the States Buildings and therefore needed to wear the suit! So by 8.55am I had already received a phone call asking me to drop the damn thing off at school in order that he could change. So that was my lunch 1/2 hour used up.

All was not lost however, as on the way back I passed the Opera House where I had been told to collect my cerificate from the Jersey Eisteddfod and as luck would have it (usually not at all lucky parking wise) there was a free space almost outside the beautiful building. I raced in and collected it. Isn't it lovely and something else to add to the shed.

Apart from that, my day was exceedingly frustrating. I spent most of the day bookkeeping. It has never been my strong point - I see numbers back to front, not mirror image but 54 instead of 45, if you get my drift - so now I'm a bit switched off. well, even more so than usual.


Yvonne said...

Cool certificate! I see numbers back to front too, very strange. And sometimes I'll read 70 as 700 or vice versa. My fella is constantly confused...

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

yvonne - thanks, it will cheer up a bit of the shed wall.

Isn't it strange how the mind sees numbers wrongly. I have a dreadful time dialling numbers on the phone - good thing too, otherwise I would probably be use it far more than I do already.

Lucy said...

Congrats on your award, Debs! Have you given yourself a little treat to celebrate?

HelenMWalters said...

How lovely! I can't do numbers either - it really is a problem!

Annieye said...

I think it's a writerly thing. I'm doing my husband's books at the moment. It's not as if I can't do it - I can. I just absolutely loathe figures! I have to concentrate really hard or else I transpose digits too. My mind wanders really easily when I'm doing this type of work and it's a real effort not to keep thinking of something else.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

k.imaginelli - Thanks, I did buy a bottle of bubbles - any excuse - they were lovely.

helenmh - it is a pain especially as I have to deal with numbers a lot in my job!

annieye - 'transpose' that's the word I was looking for. I try and enjoy working with figures and sometimes even manage to persuade myself that I am, but not often.

elizabeth said...

Very nice!! Congrats!

PST - I'm more or less in a semi-switched off state all of the time. ;-)

Karen said...

Lovely certificate!
Not book-keeping...groan. I did that for a living for too many years - and I don't even like figures.

DAB said...

Well done on the certificate. TFX

Faye said...

What is the Jersey Eisteddfod? Worthy of a handsome certificate of appreciation for you--deserved I'm sure.

I agree about the physic pain( well that probably is a bit of an overstatement)that we cause ourselves from not doing the simple little things like an hour's work on taxes, paying the bills, cleaning up the yard. . .Much more tempting to check out favorite blogs.

Ray-Anne said...

A child in the 6th form? Who wears suits!!
Teenage bride...
Hope you are fully switched on for a fun weekend. Since this is a holiday, does that mean you have TWO Friday nights this week?
All the best.

Fiona Mackenzie. Writer said...

Great certificate, Debs.

How is Grumpy?

Lane Mathias said...

Congratulations. What a lovely certificate!

I have to concentrate very hard with numbers too. Big mistakes can be made:-(

Unknown said...

Congrats on the award :-)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

elizabeth - sometimes I think it's the best way to be.

karen - thanks. An accountant that I work with said (when I asked her how she worked with figures every day) that she sees it as trying to work out puzzles all the time and finds it fun.

tom foolery - thanks, it's rather nice and I've never had one before.

faye - thanks. The Jersey Eisteddfod is a festival where adults/children/groups compete in different classes ie, dance, literature, art, drama etc and is held annually. You can find it at:

ray-anne - I wish! I am having two friday nights and thrilled not to have to go to work for 4 whole days. Relief.

fiona - thanks. Grumpy is, well, his usually grumpy self. Eating, growling and sleeping most of the time.

liz fenwick - thank you. Hope you had a lovely trip with sil.
lane - thanks. Sometimes it doesnt matter how hard I concentrate, I still make horrible mistakes with figures.

Anonymous said...

Im useless at numbers! such a thicko. Funny thing is Z is brilliant at maths! have a happy easter debs!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

motherx - My son is also great with figures, I've no idea where he gets it from. Happy Easter to you and yours too.

Flowerpot said...

great certificate and I'm the same with numbers - as in seeing them back to front. How strange...

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

flowerpot - thanks. I think it's because we are 'word' people rather than 'number' people.